

A rare and visceral artist, Gail Foster’s works are passionately expressive rendering of complex ideas. Her latest endeavors include elemental photography of “trash-to- treasure” assemblages, low-VOC acrylic paintings and mixed media on paper. 

An uplifting and impassioned view of the human condition, regardless of gender, in the inner power of the spirit is celebrated in Gail Foster’s artwork. Foster’s art has always been concerned with change: Change within ourselves, within our personal relationships and within the relationship to universal powers. Often surrounded by rich jeweled darkness, the figures themselves are a source of illumination. Inhabiting a deep indefinite space like that at night, this pulsing luminous symbolism invokes ancient mysteries. 

The inclusion of her art in 12 museum solo and group exhibitions, 32 solo private gallery shows, 72 private gallery group shows, studio films, lifestyle and trade publications as well as private and public collections is a testament to her depth of talent. 



In my current body of paintings, the overarching theme of migration carries a multitude of connotations; most notably, migration speaks to the mystical movement through space and time, from one location to another and the ultimate return home. The recurring patterns of sandhill crane migrations remind us of nature’s ability to renew and revive itself, rhythmically changing, yet remaining stable and consistent through the seasons. Such is also the human life, changing with each year and each generation. Like migratory birds, physical and spiritual travelers alike explore new or familiar places, always to return to the one special locale that they call “home.” In their seasonal trips from North to South and then back, and in their victorious return from near extinction back into the cycle of life, sandhill cranes remind the viewer that all journeys have a purpose and an end, no matter how long they might be or how far away from home they may take us.





6401 Campbellton Redwine
Chattahoochee Hills, GA 30268


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6401 Campbellton Redwine
Chattahoochee Hills, GA 30268
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